Mest om håndarbeide, men også andre ting jeg liker å gjøre.

tirsdag 19. oktober 2010

Quilt Haus

In Bismarck,I spent time "in heaven" - visiting the nice store Quilt Haus

I will thank B&K for taking me there.

I will come back to some of those objects in a later post:-)

It was "relaxing" just looking around, and thank you for "the show and tell" with all the nice quilts.

I had to buy this kit:
Over the river and through the woods...... Crabapple Hill Studio.

I saw the quilt, and felt imidiately "in love":-)= a project for the future;}

Among "a few" other things I bought the book "Skinny Quilts & Table Runers II, Eleonor Levie. Coming home I had to sew something from that one:

Rungs, by Karla Alexander.

A new runner at the kitchen table - the story about the fabric coming soon.

Have a nice day!

lørdag 9. oktober 2010

Raggedy Ann

Back home from a incredible tour in USA, visitting 5 states I will tell (for me) a nice story about Anne Filledokke/Raggedy Ann

Since I learnd to read at age 7, books have been a close friend. One of the first books I got was Anne Filledokke og Anders Fillemann - Raggedy Ann and Andy. This became a favorite and was read into rags. It´s a pitty that the book dissapeard during my mothers removal.

Big was my suprise and happiness when I discovered Karens Raggedy Anns Sticheries (link on the sidebar)

My first project ended up in a folder -


nice to bring my next project .......

Karen is giving a free BOM of 10 stichery blocks. I have finished 2 and are going to download the 3 soon.



Touring thrue The Mid-West we visited Mobridge, South Dakota. Here they have a museum including a nice childrens toy-show. Here I found a lot of Raggedy Ann

Since then I has been asking several bookstores for New objects of Raggedy Ann and everybody gave the same answer: look at internett....

Some days later our bus parked in front of "More Than Words Bookstore" Watertown SD.
Instead of lining up for lunch I visited there and look what I found :-)))

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The best ting is that this version includes all the stories I know :-)

I was that happy visitting some quiltstores during our tour, so more is coming up......
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